Publish post notification is a plugin that will send an automatic email to an author when the post is published and approved by the WordPress admin. Admin has to go to setting and set an email template that’s it all other things are managed by this plugin.
Pro Version Features:
- No advertisement in the plugin.
- Support for send email to an author when custom post type publish
sharon9923 –
Thank you for a great plugin!
Since upgrading to WordPress 5.7, I tried 2 other plugins to notify the author when a custom post type is published, and neither worked. I purchased your “pro” version today and it worked perfectly. We need this feature for our project, so thank you for providing it.
sharon9923 –
Thank you for a great plugin!
Since upgrading to WordPress 5.7, I tried 2 other plugins to notify the author when a custom post type is published, and neither worked. I purchased your “pro” version today and it worked perfectly. We need this feature for our project, so thank you for providing it.
neotrope –
Life Saver – Thank You
Since we moved our news platform to WP in late 2016, this plugin has been part of a hand full of true life savers — allowing us to ping an author/staffer when story is live. Truly invaluable for our business.
Have not yet tried the new April 2019 update, but have been appreciative this even exists at all.
The old version works with WP 5.1, so hoping new version does too.
Somnath Jadhav –
Perfectly fine !!!
This plugin is very useful and perfectly fine for notifications.
Thanks for making it.